One of the main pillars of safety are safety reports of errors and hazards from operational staff. Without these reports the system can not move towards the goal of becoming predictive, and without that predictivity SMS efficiency is not optimal. Clearly, each operator must design a safe and efficient reporting system, maintaining the confidentiality of those reporting mistakes and above all to ensure non-punitive treatment of these events, but often the reliability of the system is compromised by stories of the past, or by inadequate communication of progress in the implementation of this new organizational culture.
So how do you create a reporting system with these features in an industry where the blame culture has ruled for years? So much depends on the implementation of a Just Culture within the organization and how senior executives take the treatment of these events. During the early stages of the SMS implementation they should be very clear of what is the commitment of the CEO and Manager of Safety against errors, and the best way to demonstrate this is through a document with clear positions on these two important policies: confidentiality and non-punitivity.
Another important item in the implementation of Just Culture within the organization is the responsibility to be assumed by senior management. Senior managers, especially those in the operational area, should be apostles of this Just Culture and must demonstrate their active role and fully support the changes required for this organizational change. To accomplish this they have to be real examples, because if the operational staff sees that the management is really committed and they show it on a day to day basis, this example will enable a rapid transition to the new cultural state.
Communication is also very important in this transition to cultural change. Because it is not just enough to create a safe and reliable reporting system, bearing information from the operational staff to senior management. It is also necessary to create channels of communication that allow information to flow from the management level to operational staff, and this goal can be achieved by creating a system of regular newsletters to keep everyone informed of progress and changes in safety policies within the organization.
Finally, to achieve effectiveness in this cultural change these policies should be integrated in the training program of Human Factors. Courses and workshops like CRM, SMS, CFIT and Accident Prevention are valuable moments in which to exchange information and experiences. We must also keep in mind that instruction can articulate standardized behavior changes in the operational staff, so this valuable tool should also integrate the SMS implementation process.
Achieving implementation of Just Culture is not an easy task, but it should be a priority in the implementation of all SMS. Only archiving proper implementation and cultural change our operational staff will be ready to report at all times, our system reliability will be improved and the data could be analyzed and processed. Only then our predictive and allow a drastic reduction of incidents and accidents within the organization.
Happy Flights!